Desert Rose Crystal
What is it?
A Desert Rose is a selenite gypsum that occurs naturally. Desert roses are formed in wet sand. They are evaporites where the crystal formation has occurred as a result of inflow of water containing dissolved calcium sulfate balanced by an outflow of water due to evaporation
What is it?
A Desert Rose is a selenite gypsum that occurs naturally. Desert roses are formed in wet sand. They are evaporites where the crystal formation has occurred as a result of inflow of water containing dissolved calcium sulfate balanced by an outflow of water due to evaporation
What it can be used for:
Desert Rose is also an excellent meditation stone. It will guide you in connecting to your higher self and reaching a deeper meditative state.
This stone is a strong activator of your third eye, and it will help bring you clairvoyance to the fore. The energies of this stone will also strengthen your natural intuition. Desert Rose will enhance your psychic abilities.
It will enhance your dreams and your past life recall. It will also raise your vibrations so that you will experience work with your guardian angels!
This stone will help open and clean your upper chakras and restore the balance that you may have lost.
This stone is said to hold a spirit guardian, and every Desert Rose stone is unique. This makes it a powerful talisman!
Desert Rose will increase your sense of self-worth and self-confidence.
Desert Rose has plenty of healing properties that can be beneficial to your physical body. It’s known to help with muscular flexibility and in the regeneration of tissues.
It can also do wonders for the skin because it can enhance and renew the elasticity of the skin and the tissues.
Desert Rose can help increase your sex drive and aid in fertility.
The healing energies of Desert rose can also help treat chronic fatigue and release you from unhealthy addictions.
Desert Rose is helpful with travel sickness and nausea. It can also aid in the treatment of disorders related to the prostate. This stone can aid in fighting off or healing viral infections as well.
It can strengthen the bones and help with any issues with the muscular or skeletal systems. It can provide relief for backaches and ulcers. The healing properties of Desert Rose can provide relief for psoriasis.
Desert Rose is considered a lucky stone because it has long been known to combine the powers of Father Sky and Mother Earth!
It will bring prosperity to your business and give you confidence in your decision-making. It will also remove any blockages that are interfering with your growth and progress.
This stone will give you the balance to still enjoy life even while working hard to achieve your financial goals.
It will also strengthen your intuition which will guide you in making the next move or the best decision.
Desert Rose will infuse you with energies of perseverance and dedication to succeed.
There will always be highs and lows, but this stone will make sure that you have the same level of commitment from start to finish.
Desert Rose is known for its lovely energies of strengthening relationships and inviting more love, peace, and harmony between two people.
It will encourage friendships between lovers. This stone will remind you of the importance of being the best of friends.
Desert Rose will also enhance the warmth and the closeness between you and your partner, which makes this stone a perfect stone to place in the bedroom!
This stone will also bring positive energies in your relationship. It will promote positive change in you and your partner, and it will help your relationship evolve to something better.
It can remove the stress, tension, or stagnation in your relationship. With the guidance of this stone, you will be able to enjoy loving and being loved!
Desert Rose makes for very beautiful home decorations, and it also makes very elegant gifts!
Desert Rose is an excellent stone to protect your loved ones and your possessions.
Place a piece of Desert Rose in the four corners of your home to ward off negative energies and elements.
It will also ensure that there is a good and proper flow of your universal life force. It will enhance your devotion and commitment to your loved ones, family, and community.
Desert Rose is a powerful stone that will help you in a great variety of efforts.
It’s the stone that you should have if you want to regain your composure, let loose and take a break, reconnect with mother nature, or just spend some alone time. Desert Rose will help you stay grounded and centered even when you’re too lost in the hustle and bustle of life. It will remind you of your true nature, and it will remind you to be human! It will make you feel comfortable in all kinds of social situations.
This stone will not only guide you in accessing your past lives, but it will also give you a glimpse of what the future will be. This stone will give you an idea of what to expect so that you can make the right choices. It will quiet your mind so that you will have no worries or other distractions that will take away your focus.
The energy of Desert Rose is very soft and gentle, and it will show you that life is worth living, even with its ups and downs!
Do Not:
It’s a soft mineral that should always be kept dry.
However, extended exposure to water will change its formation. Keep it away from wet places like the bathroom, the kitchen sink, or the poolside.